after some careful consideration peeps i have decided upon my new years resolutions:
1. im jumping on the bandwagon with this one after a lovely friend told me his today, but my first and most important resolution is to keep in contact more with friends who i dont see as much as i would love to. so be prepared, you will be getting lots of emails or even a sneaky visit or two!just warning!:-)
2. try and by some means pass my degree( this ones a long shot but who knows, maybe the fates will be smiling down)
3. after a very dismal autumn term, with no partying, and everything in my life breaking from my laptop to my beloved DMs i have decided that what this situation calls for is more nights out dancing!i am convinced in the power of dancing, and the happiness it brings!therefore when i can swing it every friday nite ill be out on the toon dancing my socks off!:-)
there you have it folks, my years hopes and dreams! what are some of your resolutions?