Well peeps as you may know im about to finish my degree!its a fair bit stressful! however there are loads of lovely things which are making my days nice:

ive rediscovered my passion for playing the violin, for a fair while there i was just busking it, but now im back into absolutely loving it again!unfortunately this also means i have mega calauses on my fingers but sure, no pain no gain!bring on the final recital on the 16th of may!you are all welcome by the way!:-)

Midnight ice lolly and tea runs! i have a very good friend who when we fancy a break is my angel, he always has tea and is not adverse to taking the ice lollies i dont like off my hands!plus he gives me good music to listen to!

my weekly movie allowance!ive allowed myself to watch one movie this week, and my god it was a good one!for you that havent seen tron, its amazing! and the soundtrack is even better!you go daft punk!its my new film soundtrack to work to!

Im very lucky to have an amazing housemate and best mate who put up with all my insaneness at the moment and keep me at the work!you two are amazing!

and one more thing, because im stuck behind my desk in all this crazy weather i love that i get to wear my sun glasses at my desk!!!